Who We Are
Infection Prevention and Control Network, Kenya (IPNET-K) is the leading society for healthcare professionals with an interest in Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). For more than 10 years, IPNET- K has been capacity building, advocating and championing for patient safety by actively ensuring that IPC and AMR are core/priority programs at all levels of healthcare as well as at the medical training institutions.
It has a membership of health professionals (doctors, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, laboratory scientists, public health officers, epidemiologists, IPC practitioners etc) from all levels of healthcare who serve IPNET-K as educators and consultants in IPC/AMR. Its members are also involved in providing technical support to the Ministry of Health IPC and AMR programs.
An increasing number of members are IPC focal persons at county and hospital level where they direct programs on AMR and IPC.

Our Mission
Our mission is to champion for safe and quality healthcare in the Eastern Africa region through leadership, advocacy, capacity building, research and policy formulation in IPC and AMR.
Our Vission
To be a leading society in promoting safe and quality healthcare through IPC and AMR

What we do
Hold Scientific Conferences on AMR and IPC
Provide continuous education on IPC and AMR
Train and mentor health professionals on scientific writing
Provide technical support to Ministry of Health in development of IPC , AMR policies, strategies and action plans
Provide technical support to counties to develop IPC and AMR systems including county and facility action plans
Support facilities develop IPC, AMS and AMR surveillance systems.
Provided Technical support for COVID 19 in collaboration with ICAN and RSTL in 45 Primary Health facilities across 15 counties in Kenya
Outsource for funds to support implementation of IPC and AMR activities in selected health facilities across the country
Collaborates with other agencies in building capacity and infrastructure for IPC and AMR best practices
Member of the National IPC Advisory Committees and the National Interagency AMR Advisory Committee
Research and Education
IPNET-K drives scientific knowledge forward by bringing together professionals in the fields of IPC and AMR and by supporting the generation and distribution of scientific information through:
Annual Scientific Conferences on AMR and IPC that cover a range of current topics from basic science to clinical practice and target different audiences.
Biweekly virtual training on AMR in collaboration with ECHO India
Biweekly virtual training on IPC in collaboration with ECHO India
Workshops and seminars on specific field on IPC and AMR
Training healthcare workers on scientific writing
Train facilities in conducting point prevalence surveys for antimicrobial use
Train and mentor laboratory staff on culture and sensitivity